Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Health is wealth

Went Pärnu to bring my second grandmother back from hospital.
Blue hospital slippers on top of my boots.
1 crutch in my hand and also her jacket.
There she is, lying there, feeling both - happy and sad
I look around: patients in all kind of different situations.
"Look, mom, this is your hand, you need to love this hand that it would work again! Say to your hand that you love it!" says one older lady to her mother who seems to even understand a little bit, but is not able to talk back to her. Still makes some kind of noise to show that she tries to answer.
Nurses and doctors busy in every corner.
X-ray for my health whatever paper took 2 minutes.
Walking out from hospital, my granny leaning on me ... she is 77 ... taking small baby steps at a time, because of the gyps which she has.
"Life is strange" I find myself wondering, "it really is true that most of us start and end it in the same way - being almost completely helpless".
Not sure who has said it, but one sentence which I heard a while ago came into my mind "Life is just a small cap between 2 numbers"
After today
so happy that Im able to breath, understand and walk without problems.
No doubt that health is the biggest wealth in this world.
Yeahhhh, so, what the f..ck am I complaining and whining about :)))

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