Monday, April 12, 2010

Peale surutud

peale surutud
peale surutud
peale surutud
peale surutud
mulle mu enese poolt
aita mind lootus mu sees
A poem from one picture at school. Wanted to ask the girl who is the author, where did she get it, but forgot. I had passed this picture several times when one day I stopped and read those lines with some kind of weird recognition inside of me !!! I wonder why :D
Morning sunrise, driving way too fast for those roads, sunglasses, tears in my eyes behind those dark glasses, radio playing really loud "winner takes it all..."

Today made up my mind at least in one area of my live - should have done it already a while ago. Doesn't feel good at all but hopefully will get better soon. Only some more areas to go :)))
after that "accidentally" found one comment from my blog which refers into another webpage
Also found Liva's quote which I wrote down few years ago while living in England.
"There is no place better. It is better if you are better"

so... so what? No idea, but so what :))

One of my closest friends called me after very long time. Her honest opinion is that I'll get the hell out from this country again as soon as I can because Estonia, especially Lihula, is way too small for me and my "Nirvana" search :)))
Well, yeah, what can I say. My first thought - what will happen if this "Nirvana" doesn't exist after all?

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