Tadeusz in ATLAS: Bringing the world home
He has traveled the world.
He has been to and seen many foreign countries.
Now, when not so actively on a road any more he spends most of his days in ATLAS.
In a store full of books, maps, globes, travel guides and as the name says, atlases.
It is his way of bringing the world home and sharing it to others.
It is his way of bringing the world home and sharing it to others.
Can I help you?
“Mogę ci pomóc?” he asks one older gentleman when seeing how I´m exploring with my eyes wide open, all those globes, maps and everything else. In fact globes, many globes in a big store window was the reason why I stepped into his shop. It was almost as if something was physically pulling me in.

“In fact I do speak English! How can I help you?”, he is asking in a clear and confident voice.
“These are more globes than I´ve seen during my entire life”, I´m telling him this not even trying to hide my excitement from the shop and everything within. “I´ve always loved the maps of the world, atlases and as such having a globe is something which I have dreamed about since when I was a child.”
Special relationship
A moment later we are exploring the maps together. I am telling him that currently in Hipstel Hostel we are thinking of having one big world map so that guests are able to mark where they come from. “For this purpose I recommend this type of map as it works the same but is far cheaper. He kindly suggests this to me whilst answering yes to my query about the possibility to take photos
I nod towards Estonia telling him that this is my home country. I also point the way from Estonia to Vietnam whilst describing that this is from point to point where my little brother Meigo has been walking during the past 3 years. This results that even our grandmother is now following the world map; “So yes, we currently have a special relationship with all of the maps and world globuses”.
After hearing this he goes to another side of the shop: “I have maps from all over the world even from Canada,” and he brings one to show me. “This is one of the best companies to make international travel maps and I have very good relationships with them so if anyone wants to have the best map then I can help them!”.
His eyes sparkle and his face lights up when he is talking about all of these things making it clear that he too has a special relationship with everything that there is.
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Tadeusz Prześlakiewicz and the entire WORLD |
Owner and president 2in1
Just a moment later (as I had already presumed), I then find out that he is actually the owner of this place.Two seconds later it turns out that he is also the president of the Polish Bookseller´s Association and a past president of Warszawa City Rotary Club (District 2230).
“Nice to meet you Mr. President, my name is Kristi. Among other things I´m a freelance journalist and would love to write about this amazing store,” I answer with a smile in my face.
He goes to another room returning with a business card. “I don´t have my personal one as this is from the association. If you write to me then please use this email. I mean that you can use another one as well but that goes to the secretary.”
“Tadeusz Prześlakiewicz” is the name I read from his card. ATLAS is a family business, operating in a house which was built exactly 50 years ago in 1967. A year later in 1986 it was opened. Tadeusz has been managing this store for the last 31 years since 1986 and he has his best to bring the world home through all these travel books, tour guides, maps, globes and atlases.
I ask him, what are the opening hours of the store, to which he replies: “It is open from 10 to 19 but I am usually here …(I was expecting him to say 5 or 6 the most) ... til eight in the evening as I really enjoy being here,” says Tadeusz, with a proud smile, looking at all those world maps with the gentle look as if he just saw something/someone very dear to him.
I suppose it says it all, doesn´t it?
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http://www.ksiegarniaatlas.pl/ |
Thank you, Tadeusz, it´s been nice meeting you and really inspiring to be able to spend some time in your shop!
Text and photos: Kristi Märk
laen! laen! laen !!!
Kas otsite usaldusväärset ja akrediteeritud eralaenude ettevõtet, kes pakub laenu eluaegsetele võimalustele. Pakume igasuguseid laene väga kiirel ja lihtsal viisil, isiklikud laenud, auto laenud, hüpoteeklaenud, õppelaenud, ärilaenud, investeerimislaenud, võlgade konsolideerimine ja palju muud. Kas olete pankade ja teiste finantsasutuste poolt tagasi lükanud? Kas teil on vaja konsolideerimislaenu või hüpoteegi? Ärge vaadake enam sellist, nagu oleme siin, et muuta kõik teie rahalised probleemid minevikku. Laename raha üksikisikutele ja ettevõtetele, kes vajavad finantsabi 2% ulatuses. Sotsiaalkindlustuse number pole nõutav ja krediidikontroll pole kohustuslik, 100% garanteeritud. Soovin seda keskkonda kasutada, et teavitada teid sellest, et pakume usaldusväärset ja toetavat abi ning meil on hea meel pakkuda teile laenu.
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Kuskil on tee ja kuskil on rada?:)Kas see ei ole mitte raba kus sa kooserdad kummikutega? Kas sa ennast mitte tahaplaanile ei jätta?
Lugesin su mõtteid ja see hakkas vaevama-pigem vaevab see mind koguaeg. Täheldanud olen seda, et kui olla kuskil "rattapeal" siis ei ole vaja midagi analüüsida-miks?, kuidas? milleks? kui kaua? Kellega?
Lihtsalt tuksud päevarütmis.
Probleemid tekivad siis kui korraks "rattapealt maha saad"-siis hakkab mõttetegvus intensiivsemalt tööle ning hakkavad tekkima küsimused..
Vahel mõtlen, kas see on loogiline niimoodi ennast analüüsima hakata-"kui ratta pealt maas"-aga midagi teha ei ole- ju siis looduse poolt kaasa antud.
Küsimus selle kõige juures, et kas ma olen õnnelik.Ilmselt siis kui suudaks hetkes elada(mina ei suuda) ehk siis enamjaolt pidev kisklemine millegi vahel, kas teha nii või teha naa. Tehes midagi täispööretega on tore, aga probleemid(kui need on probleemid üldse olemas on) tekivad siis kui orbiidilt maha astuda või näed, et seal ma enam ei taha olla, sest millesegi ennast segades oled sa nagu narkomaan, olles saanud sellest "laksu"vajab organism mingil hetkel uuesti "laksu" samausguste tundmustega. Kas inimese ebatäiusest või mis iganes see juhtub - vahet pole siis mis viisil-suits, alko, narko, adrenaliin, meeldivad kogemused, ebameeldivad kogemused on need mis tekitavad meis sõltuvust ja vajadust neid üha uuesti kogeda. Osad lähevad sellega kaasa, osad mitte-kas lihtsam ei ole paigal kodus olla?
Ja vältida sõltuvust, mis iganes viisil-ning õppida olemise unustamist, ilma mingisuguste vajadusteta:) Kas sa ei ole niimoodi vahel mõelnud...?
Tere, minu nimi on Claudia Klein, olen laenuandja ja ka finantsnõustaja.
Kas teil on vaja rahalist tugevdamist? Kas vajate laenu erinevatel eesmärkidel? kui vastus on jaatav, soovitan teil pöörduda minu ettevõtte poole | spotlightglobalservices@gmail.com | või kirjuta meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | ja teie kontol on laen 24 tunni jooksul, kuna pakume suurepäraseid laenuteenuseid kogu maailmas.
Pakume igasuguseid laenuteenuseid (isiklik laen, ärilaen ja palju muud), pakume nii pika- kui ka lühiajalist laenu ning saate ka laenata kuni 15 miljonit eurot. Minu ettevõte aitab teil mitmesuguste laenutoodete abil saavutada mitmesuguseid eesmärke.
Me teame, et seadusliku laenu saamine on alati olnud tohutu probleem Üksikisikute jaoks, kellel on rahalisi probleeme ja kes vajavad selle lahendamist, on paljudel inimestel kõrgete intresside tõttu nii keeruline omakapitalilaenu saada kohalikest pankadest või muudest finantseerimisasutustest. määr, ebapiisav tagatis, võla ja sissetuleku suhe, madal krediidiskoor või muud põhjused.
Enam pole ooteaegu ega stressirohkeid pangavisiite. Meie teenus on saadaval ööpäevaringselt - saate laenu ja teha oma tehinguid igal ajal ja igal pool, kus seda vajate.
Pakume 24-tunnist maailmatasemel laenuteenust. Päringud / küsimused? - Saada e-kiri aadressile | spotlightglobalservices@gmail.com | või kirjuta meile WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & Saate vastuse hetkega.
Teie pere, sõbrad ja kolleegid ei pea teadma, et teil on vähe raha, lihtsalt kirjutage meile ja saate laenu.
Teie rahaline vabadus on teie kätes!
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