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Minu paari aastase taguse juubeli tänukaart (teostus: Kadi Märk:) |
Vaatamata sellele, et olen ära ning kõigest ja kõigist eemal, on mul selja taga uskumatu, unustamatu ja maagiline sünnipäeva päev, mis oli totaalselt teistsugune.
Suur-suur AITÄH teile kõigile!
~ :) ~ Despite of the fact that I am away from everything and everyone, it has been an unbelievable and magical birthday which was completely different and is impossible to forget.
A very big THANK YOU to all of you!
Mida aeg edasi, sest enam annab Elu põhjust uskuda, et unistused on päriselt ka selleks, et need saaksid täituda ning muinasjutud eksisteerivad selleks, et nad saaksid tõelisuseks :)
Kunagi aastaid tagasi kirja pandud visioon, et mul on sõpru üle terve maailma ning mind ümbritsevad inimesed, kellega teineteist vastastikku inspireerime, julgustame ja motiveerime, on tänaseks päevaks reaalsus.
Samamoodi on reaalsus ka see, et saan ja julgen olla see, kes ma tegelikult olen, tehes seda, mida ma armastan ning armastades seda, mida ma teen, olles seotud ka mitmete rahvusvaheliste ettevõtmistega.
Olles aastate jooksul korduvalt komistanud ja kukkunud, mõnikord kohe hästi kõrgelt ja valusalt, tunnen praegu iga päevaga üha enam, kuivõrd väärtuslik ja vajalik on iga mu Elu puzzle tükk, nii ilus kui valus õppetund, mis mul minevikust võtta, ning iga inimene, kellega meie teed on mingil ajahetkel ristunud.
Olen seniste kogemuste üle südamest tänulik, tänase päeva üle siiralt õnnelik ning tuleviku osas meeletult lootusrikas. Kõik aastate jooksul kokku pandud vision boardid on kenasti välja otsitud ja seina peal – iga viimne kui üks unistus, mida unistanud ja paberile pannud olen, on taas elus.
Kuigi palju, väga palju, sealseid asju on juba teoks saanud või kohe-kohe realiseerumas, tunnen samas seda, et olen lisaks oma praegustele tegemistele võimeline oluliselt enamaks ning seetõttu valmis ka uuteks väljakutseteks, mis olen endale sel aastal sihiks seadnud :)
Kallid sõbrad - suured tänud teile kõige eest ning selles imelises protsessis jätkuvalt näeme!
Life has given me every reason to believe that dreams are here to be fulfilled and
fairy-tales exist that they could become reality :)
Years ago I have written down a vision that I have friends all over the world and I'm surrounded by people with who we inspire, encourage and motivate each other – by now it is my reality.
Another thing which has become real, is me being able to be who I truly am, doing what I love and loving what I do, being also involved with different international projects.
Over the years, I've fallen over and over again, sometimes from quite high, getting hurt properly, but now, day by day, I feel more and more how valuable and necessary has been every single piece of my life puzzle – both, beautiful and painful lessons – I've experienced in my past and every single person Í've met along the way.
I'm deeply grateful for everything what has happened, sincerely happy for today and really hopeful about the future. All the vision boards I've created over the years are on a wall and every dream I've ever dreamed is alive again.
Even though many things have already become or are about to become reality, I feel I am capable for so much more and ready for new challenges which I have agreed to meet this year :)
Dear friends - thank you for everything and see you in this magical process!
Years ago I have written down a vision that I have friends all over the world and I'm surrounded by people with who we inspire, encourage and motivate each other – by now it is my reality.
Another thing which has become real, is me being able to be who I truly am, doing what I love and loving what I do, being also involved with different international projects.
Over the years, I've fallen over and over again, sometimes from quite high, getting hurt properly, but now, day by day, I feel more and more how valuable and necessary has been every single piece of my life puzzle – both, beautiful and painful lessons – I've experienced in my past and every single person Í've met along the way.
I'm deeply grateful for everything what has happened, sincerely happy for today and really hopeful about the future. All the vision boards I've created over the years are on a wall and every dream I've ever dreamed is alive again.
Even though many things have already become or are about to become reality, I feel I am capable for so much more and ready for new challenges which I have agreed to meet this year :)
Dear friends - thank you for everything and see you in this magical process!