Imeilus tähti täis suveöö ~ An amazing summer night full of stars Sile veepind neid taevatähti peegeldamas ~ The smooth surface of water reflecting those stars above Süda sedavõrd tänutunnet täis, et hingata on pisut raske ~ Heart so full of gratitude that it makes bit hard to breathe Ma usun taas ~ I believe once again Usun imedesse ~ I believe in miracles Usun headusesse ~ I believe in goodness Usun armastusse ♥ I believe in love Usun unistustesse ♥ I believe in dreams Usun lihtsusesse ~ I believe in simplicity Usun andestusse ~ I believe in forgivness Usun võimalustesse ~ I believe in opportunities Usun igaühe võimekusse ~ I believe in everyone's capabilty Usun ka seda, et kõik see saab juhtuda vaid nendega, kes päriselt usuvad, ennekõike iseendasse ja sellesse, et see kõik on võimalik. Ka mina ise OLEN VALMIS, hing samal ajal sees värisemas, taaskord uskuma. ~ :) ~ I also believe that all of this can happen only with those who are willing to believe for real and enough, most of all into themselves. I am also, despite of feeling bit shaky, ready to believe again. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mul on juba mitu nädalat liblikad kõhus, nii et ootan suure huvi ja ärevusega, mis saama hakkab, sest üldjuhul on seesugustel puhkudel olnud alati varuks midagi toredat ... ~ There have been butterflies in my stomach for couple of weeks now, therefore real curious and anxious to find out what is going to happen next as usually this kind of situation has always led to something wonderful ... ![]() |
Sageli on lahendused lihtsamad ja lähemal, kui oskame oodata ~ Often the solutions are simplier and closer than we dare to expect. Photo: blog |
Ma usun ja usaldan ~ I trust and I believe
Ma kuulan ja kuuletun ~ I listen and I obey
Ma kuulan ja kuuletun ~ I listen and I obey
Valguse aine
Kõik rammu ammu kulutasid selleks,
et näida-olla läbinisti raudne.
Tahe olla endast suurem
piinab, painab nagu võlg.
Ja meelde tuleta.
Ära mõtle, et maailm on pime.
Meelde tuleta
välise tuleta
iseenese valguse nime.
Ning taipad, endast põrkudes ja ehmudes:
Su jõud end peitis nõrkuses ja pehmuses.
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The Three Musketeers from Estonia, Sweden and Latvia :)
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Kristi, Jasmin and Signe in Aizpute 14.08.2016 |
People who say something can't be done, haven't probably met and worked with those women ;)
Jasmine Cederqvist – a pilot, an artist, a teacher, a student of biology and a commentator of the air show
Signe Pucena – an artist; a founder, renovator, project leader and a heart of SERDE
Lots of power and positive energy, loads of inspiration and enthusiasm. It's been a great privilege and a pleasure to get to know you two ♥
See you again soon ...somewhere ;)
#ArtAndNature #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork
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My FB cover ...with some added, almost hidden extras :) |