Üks minu ammuseid unistusi hakkab vaikselt kuju ja vormi võtma. Kõik, keda see teema ja ettevõtmine kuidagi kõnetab, on oodatud endast märku andma ja pardale astuma.
~ Teamwork makes the dream work ~
One of my dreams which I´ve had for a long time, is slowly taking a shape and a form. Everybody who shares this vision is more than welcome to get in touch and step on board.
Allpool on ilus (ja ilusalt pikk:) lugulaul ilusast ideest. Sellest tulenevalt on teie ees kokkuvõttev sissejuhatus, et mis, kuidas ja miks?
♥ Südamest südamesse ♥
Mis? Rahvusvaheline algatus, mille jooksul kogume kokku hulga inspireerivaid lühilugusid ja fotosid, mille keskseks ja ühendavaks jooneks on Usk, Lootus ja Armastus. Vanus ei ole oluline, kuid eriline rõhuasetus on vanematel inimestel, kellelt meil on elu ja tõekspidamiste kohta palju õppida.
Ja edasi? Nendest lugudest nopime välja säravaimad ütlused ning mõtted, muutes nad koos visuaalse kujundusega meistriteosteks, mida ka kõigi teistega jagada.
Kuidas? Ühendame erinevatest riikidest pärit särasilmsed inimesed, kes selle ideega haakuvad ning hakkame lihtsalt otsast pihta :)
Mis veel? Ideaalversioon on see, et selle ettevõtmise tulemusel (ja ühtlasi ka tulemuste levitamiseks) valmib inspireerivate ja motiveerivate toodete sari.
Meetodid ja väljundid? Isiklik, Südamest Südamesse suhtlus. Vahetu kontakt. Sotsiaalmeedia. Temaatilised tooted.
Loodetav lõpptulemus? Globaalne suhtlusvõrgustik. Uued kontaktid. Sügavad ja tõelised vestlused. Lugude jutustamise väärtustamine. Inspiratsiooniks olemine ja selle jagamine. Meie endi isiklik areng, mille jooksul oleme loodetavasti suutnud ja aidanud natukene ilusamaks ning paremaks muuta ka seda maailma, kus me elame.
Down below you´ll find a beautiful description of the beautiful idea. However, as it is also beautifully long, here is the short conclusion :)
From the ♥ into the ♥
What? International Youth Initiative where we collect inspirational short stories and photos which are all somehow connected with the idea of Faith, Hope and Love. The age doesn´t matter but we are especially focused on elderly people who are the ones we can learn the most about life and their principles.
And then what? From those stories we´ll choose the best sayings and ideas, turning them into visually attractive masterpeaces which could be shared with others.
How? We connect like-minded people from different countries who share this vision and just start from somewhere, anywhere :)
What else? The ideal scenario would, as a result and as a tool to spread the results, to be able to create a series of inspirational and motivational products.
Methods and outputs? Personal from the Heart into the Heart communication. Social media. Thematic products.
Expected results? Global network. New contacts. Deep and real conversations. Appreciating the value of story-telling. Being an inspiration and sharing it. Our own personal development. Little bit better and more sincere and beautiful world to live in.
What else? The ideal scenario would, as a result and as a tool to spread the results, to be able to create a series of inspirational and motivational products.
Methods and outputs? Personal from the Heart into the Heart communication. Social media. Thematic products.
Expected results? Global network. New contacts. Deep and real conversations. Appreciating the value of story-telling. Being an inspiration and sharing it. Our own personal development. Little bit better and more sincere and beautiful world to live in.
Soovid rohkem teada, loe edasi ...
Want to know more, continue reading ...
Want to know more, continue reading ...
This is an idea and vision for the
International Youth Initiative project.
From the ♥ into the ♥
♥ Südamest südamesse ♥
From the ♥ into the ♥
♥ Südamest südamesse ♥
Every person has a story to tell.
Elderly people are the ones whose stories should be heard first.
This is a project about people and their stories.
It is about listening and bringing out the best from each other.
During those ♥ to ♥ conversations notes are taken and put together into inspirational short stories.
Ideas are being shared.
New quotes are born.
Photos taken.
Encouragement spread.
Elderly people are the ones whose stories should be heard first.
This is a project about people and their stories.
It is about listening and bringing out the best from each other.
During those ♥ to ♥ conversations notes are taken and put together into inspirational short stories.
Ideas are being shared.
New quotes are born.
Photos taken.
Encouragement spread.
In addition to that, from this material, uplifting products:
about the 3 most important things in life:
HOPE and
are being created and shared with others.
Instead of using an existing inspirational picture with a well-known quote, we´ll be creating them ourselves - from the ♥ into the ♥
In time, the amount of people involved will increase but right now we are putting together a core-team of young leaders.
You are welcome to get in touch with us if you are:
* 13-30 years old;
* having good leadership skills or a strong desire to develop them: coordinating and leading other team members and lot of information is the main area you can improve the most :)
* fascinated by talking to people and hearing their stories;
* having a passion towards either writing, reading and editing texts, inspirational quotes, photography, all sort of design (graphic, web, interiour etc), global projects and/or any other creative area we did not mention.
What do you get out of it?
An opportunity to:
* be part of the global network of like-minded people;
* turn your passion and hobby into an international "work"-experience;
* stand out and to be noticed;
* use those skills, experience and contacts for your future career.
* to make a difference - in and for yourself and while doing so, you´ll also help the world to be a bit more uplifting place to live in. One person at a time, one story at a time, one smile at a time ... ;)
However, to start with and in order to submit the application to Youth in Action program, the representatives from 10 countries are welcome to step on board. The deadline is already 1st of October 2014 and even though the main concept is already together, it means we need to be super fast.
However, we do believe that if the vision is strong enough (no matter its the last minute one :) it will attract the right people and will find its way to manifest.
OR maybe there is no need to over-complicate things and write a project out of it but just to start from somewhere ...anywhere... and see where it takes us :)
Therefore, if you read those lines and feel that the concept presented above resonates with your ideas and you see this as an opportunity to pursue your own ideas and goals, get in touch ASAP.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Teamwork makes the DREAM work!
PS! NB! This is not a job offer or paid position.
However, in time, we might be able to create something bigger out of it,
so, never say never, right … :)

Once upon a time
I was just a dream,
a wish in the air -
so tender and fragile.
But I grew and got stronger.
Appeared more often.
More clearly.
Until I felt, it is time.
Time to be more than a dream.
More than just a wish in the air.
I was ready to live.
Ready to share, to be shared.
Ready to love, to be loved.
Ready to see how is feels
to be here, next to you,
with you,
for you,
in front and behind you!
...yes, I am ready,
are you coming or what? :)
Yours sincerely,
From the ♥ into the ♥
This vision (or the illusion:) represents many dreams which I haven´t been able to get rid of. Well, suppose it is not necessary for them to go away but for me to go with them :)
I look into the calender and am aware that it seems bit crazy that during those couple of days which are left til the end of September, I can and am able to write a proper project out of it. When this idea came to me the very first time, I pushed myself pretty hard but it completely paralyzed my ability to do anything.
For now I take it much more easily and have understood that there are advantages in both options. Of course, the proper concept, acitivity plan with a clear goal and deadline and of course, the budget would be great help. However, I also think it is okay to improve it step by step and keep it free and flowing: when the time is right, it will start attracting the right people, ideas and opportunities.
about the 3 most important things in life:
HOPE and
are being created and shared with others.
Instead of using an existing inspirational picture with a well-known quote, we´ll be creating them ourselves - from the ♥ into the ♥
In time, the amount of people involved will increase but right now we are putting together a core-team of young leaders.
You are welcome to get in touch with us if you are:
* 13-30 years old;
* having good leadership skills or a strong desire to develop them: coordinating and leading other team members and lot of information is the main area you can improve the most :)
* fascinated by talking to people and hearing their stories;
* having a passion towards either writing, reading and editing texts, inspirational quotes, photography, all sort of design (graphic, web, interiour etc), global projects and/or any other creative area we did not mention.
What do you get out of it?
An opportunity to:
* be part of the global network of like-minded people;
* turn your passion and hobby into an international "work"-experience;
* stand out and to be noticed;
* use those skills, experience and contacts for your future career.
* to make a difference - in and for yourself and while doing so, you´ll also help the world to be a bit more uplifting place to live in. One person at a time, one story at a time, one smile at a time ... ;)
The ultimate vision is to include as many people and stories from all over the world as possible. When dreaming big, we dare to hope that the concept of ~ From the ♥ into the ♥ ~ has the potential to grow into the global movement of Faith, Hope and Love.
However, to start with and in order to submit the application to Youth in Action program, the representatives from 10 countries are welcome to step on board. The deadline is already 1st of October 2014 and even though the main concept is already together, it means we need to be super fast.
However, we do believe that if the vision is strong enough (no matter its the last minute one :) it will attract the right people and will find its way to manifest.
OR maybe there is no need to over-complicate things and write a project out of it but just to start from somewhere ...anywhere... and see where it takes us :)
Therefore, if you read those lines and feel that the concept presented above resonates with your ideas and you see this as an opportunity to pursue your own ideas and goals, get in touch ASAP.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Teamwork makes the DREAM work!
PS! NB! This is not a job offer or paid position.
However, in time, we might be able to create something bigger out of it,
so, never say never, right … :)

I was just a dream,
a wish in the air -
so tender and fragile.
But I grew and got stronger.
Appeared more often.
More clearly.
Until I felt, it is time.
Time to be more than a dream.
More than just a wish in the air.
I was ready to live.
Ready to share, to be shared.
Ready to love, to be loved.
Ready to see how is feels
to be here, next to you,
with you,
for you,
in front and behind you!
...yes, I am ready,
are you coming or what? :)
Yours sincerely,
From the ♥ into the ♥
This vision (or the illusion:) represents many dreams which I haven´t been able to get rid of. Well, suppose it is not necessary for them to go away but for me to go with them :)
I look into the calender and am aware that it seems bit crazy that during those couple of days which are left til the end of September, I can and am able to write a proper project out of it. When this idea came to me the very first time, I pushed myself pretty hard but it completely paralyzed my ability to do anything.
For now I take it much more easily and have understood that there are advantages in both options. Of course, the proper concept, acitivity plan with a clear goal and deadline and of course, the budget would be great help. However, I also think it is okay to improve it step by step and keep it free and flowing: when the time is right, it will start attracting the right people, ideas and opportunities.
See visioon (või siis illusioon:) esindab mitmeid unistusi, mis mind aastate jooksul kohe mitte kuidagi rahule pole jätnud. Ju siis polegi vaja, et nad mind rahule jätaks :)
Vaatan kalendrisse ning tundub pisut hullumeelne, et nende mõne päeva jooksul, mis septembrit järele jäänud, jõuan ja suudan sellest korraliku ning vettpidava projekti kokku kirjutada. Kui see mõte, et ehk võiks proovida, esimest korda tuli, survestasin end ikka hästi kõvasti, kuid see halvas tegutsemisvõime sootuks.
Praegu võtan juba olulisemalt rahulikumalt ja annan endale aru, et omad plussid on mõlemal variandil. Nii sellel, kui saame korraliku kontseptsiooni, eesmärgistatud tegevusplaani ning eelarve paika ja otseses mõttes allkirjadega kinnitatud kui ka sellel, kui see jääb vabas vormis algatuseks, mis hakkab omasoodu ja omas tempos ligi tõmbama vajalikke inimesi, ideid, võimalusi.
See visioon (või siis illusioon:) esindab mitmeid unistusi, mis mind aastate jooksul kohe mitte kuidagi rahule pole jätnud. Ju siis polegi vaja, et nad mind rahule jätaks :)
Vaatan kalendrisse ning tundub pisut hullumeelne, et nende mõne päeva jooksul, mis septembrit järele jäänud, jõuan ja suudan sellest korraliku ning vettpidava projekti kokku kirjutada. Kui see mõte, et ehk võiks proovida, esimest korda tuli, survestasin end ikka hästi kõvasti, kuid see halvas tegutsemisvõime sootuks.
Praegu võtan juba olulisemalt rahulikumalt ja annan endale aru, et omad plussid on mõlemal variandil. Nii sellel, kui saame korraliku kontseptsiooni, eesmärgistatud tegevusplaani ning eelarve paika ja otseses mõttes allkirjadega kinnitatud kui ka sellel, kui see jääb vabas vormis algatuseks, mis hakkab omasoodu ja omas tempos ligi tõmbama vajalikke inimesi, ideid, võimalusi.
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