Monday, January 30, 2017

Tadeusz in ATLAS: Bringing the world home

Tadeusz in ATLAS: Bringing the world home

He has traveled the world.

He has been to and seen many foreign countries. 
Now, when not so actively on a road any more he spends most of his days in ATLAS.
In a store full of books, maps, globes, travel guides and as the name says, atlases. 
It is his way of bringing the world home and sharing it to others.

Can I help you?

“Mogę ci pomóc?” he asks one older gentleman when seeing how I´m exploring with my eyes wide open, all those globes, maps and everything else. In fact globes, many globes in a big store window was the reason why I stepped into his shop. It was almost as if something was physically pulling me in.
Dzień dobry! Do you possibly speak English?” This I ask whilst answering his approach to help me, whilst not being very hopeful because most of the people in Poland within his age group would not be able to do so.

“In fact I do speak English! How can I help you?”, he is asking in a clear and confident voice.

“These are more globes than I´ve seen during my entire life”, I´m telling him this not even trying to hide my excitement from the shop and everything within. “I´ve always loved the maps of the world, atlases and as such having a globe is something which I have dreamed about since when I was a child.”
Special relationship

A moment later we are exploring the maps together. I am telling him that currently in Hipstel Hostel we are thinking of having one big world map so that guests are able to mark where they come from. “For this purpose I recommend this type of map as it works the same but is far cheaper. He kindly suggests this to me whilst answering yes to my query about the possibility to take photos
I nod towards Estonia telling him that this is my home country. I also point the way from Estonia to Vietnam whilst describing that this is from point to point where my little brother Meigo has been walking during the past 3 years. This results that even our grandmother is now following the world map; “So yes, we currently have a special relationship with all of the maps and world globuses”.
After hearing this he goes to another side of the shop: “I have maps from all over the world even from Canada,” and he brings one to show me. “This is one of the best companies to make international travel maps and I have very good relationships with them so if anyone wants to have the best map then I can help them!”.

His eyes sparkle and his face lights up when he is talking about all of these things making it clear that he too has a special relationship with everything that there is.
Tadeusz Prześlakiewicz and the entire WORLD

Owner and president 2in1

Just a moment later (as I had already presumed), I then find out that he is actually the owner of this place.Two seconds later it turns out that he is also the president of the Polish Bookseller´s Association and a past president of Warszawa City Rotary Club (District 2230).

“Nice to meet you Mr. President, my name is Kristi. Among other things I´m a freelance journalist and would love to write about this amazing store,” I answer with a smile in my face.

He goes to another room returning with a business card. “I don´t have my personal one as this is from the association. If you write to me then please use this email. I mean that you can use another one as well but that goes to the secretary.”

Tadeusz Prześlakiewicz” is the name I read from his card. ATLAS  is a family business, operating in a house which was built exactly 50 years ago in 1967. A year later in 1986 it was opened. Tadeusz has been managing this store for the last 31 years since 1986 and he has his best to bring the world home through all these travel books, tour guides, maps, globes and atlases.

Well I am not 18 anymore to travel around all the time and right now this store is the most important thing to me he says.

I ask him, what are the opening hours of the store, to which he replies: “It is open from 10 to 19 but I am usually here …(I was expecting him to say 5 or 6 the most) ... til eight in the evening as I really enjoy being here,” says Tadeusz, with a proud smile, looking at all those world maps with the gentle look as if he just saw something/someone very dear to him.

I suppose it says it all, doesn´t it?

Thank you, Tadeusz, it´s been nice meeting you and really inspiring to be able to spend some time in your shop!

Text and photos: Kristi Märk

Friday, January 27, 2017

Campus Warsaw: The power of networking & coworking

Tugev kogukond, näitamaks Sul teed. Hea kange kohv kütuseks kaasa. Tule alusta midagi! 

Google´i loodud ruum ettevõtjatele.
Astu läbi ja ütle tere.

Tegin, nagu kirjas oli 
  astusin läbi ja ütlesin tere :)

Ei ole mingi uudis, et ainus asi siin ilmas, mis ei muutu, on see, et kõik muutub. Pidevalt ja kogu aeg.
Kehtib ka selle kohta, kuidas mõtteid vahetatakse ning tööd tehakse.

Kuna üha rohkematel inimestel on võimalik valida, kus, kuidas ja kelle seltskonnas oma tööpäevi veeta, tekib praegu selle tulemusel üle maailma juurde hulgaliselt ühiseid kaugtöökontoreid (coworking spaces).

Heh, päris põnevad arengud, mis on muutnud ja muudavad ka edaspidi kogu nn traditsioonilist "töölkäimise mudelit", sest sisuliselt tähendab see ju seda, et igaüks toimetab oma tegemistega, kuid töökeskkonna ja kolleegid saab ise valida.
Lisaks, networking/coworking/cooperation/collaboration ja igasugused muud, otseselt või kaudselt võrgustumisele viitavad väljendid on praeguseks kriitilise tähtsusega VÕTMESÕNAD pea igas valdkonnas.

*   *   *
Mnjaa, ajal, kui seesugused muutuste tuuled puhuvad, on peamine, mida nendega sammu pidamiseks teha saame, hoida oma meeled avatuna, õppida, kasvada, areneda ... ;)
Selsamal põhjusel käisingi täna uudistamas, kas, mis ja kuidas Varssavi Google Campuses tehakse, sest olen siit ja sealt kuulnud, et antud keskuse näol on tegemist terves Euroopas, et mitte öelda maailmas, arvestava ja heal tasemel näitega.

Kogu coworking ja digital nomads teema on miski, mis mind kõnetanud ja puudutanud varsti peaaegu aasta, sest just nii kaua olen töötanud osalise tööajaga ning seda suuresti kaugtööna.

Et virtuaalsusest saaks reaalsus ... :) 
Ehk teisisõnu, et ilusad vaated ei avaneks vaid arvutiekraanilt, vaid ka siis, kui silmad ekraani pealt üles tõsta. 
Minu eelmise aasta kaugtöökontor Punase mere ääres.

Praeguseks, mida aeg edasi, seda tugevamalt kogu see kaugtöö teema igast võimalikust ja võimatust suunast mu laua peale ja ellu sisse sõidab.
Hetkel seesuguseid mõtteid ja juhuseid, kus kellelgi kusagil mingi sellelaadne plaan või mõte, lausa neljast-viiest kaarest, nii et ees on ootamas põnevad ajad ja arengud ...

Kuid nüüd tagasi tänasesse päeva ja Varssavisse.

* * * 

Community wall

Warsaw Campus, soon in two buildings and two times more space for everything: coworking, networking, workshops, startups training seminars etc

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Hipstel Hostel Dream Team

Please meet our Hipstel Hostel Dream Team! 

vol 2 

link to vol 1 




Both of them open minded, smart and sharp, having no problem of seeing the BIG PICTURE and VISION where all of it is heading.
I´d dare to say that this level of COMPETENCE and KNOWLEDGE in various areas is not at all usual for hostel reception staff and therefore Hipstel Hostel, no doubt, is in a unique situation in every possible way.
Therefore, well done for Rafał, the owner of this place, because as you know, like-minded people attract more like-minded people and so it goes ... ;)
As a result, heh, I´m pretty sure there are not too many hostel owners in the world whose staff would be so capable and well able not only in customer service but also in tourism management and recreation in general, finances, marketing etc.

It is a real pleasure to work with all of you guys!


PS! two pieces of information from today about Lyoness cashback loyalty programme which we are currently learning and implementing here :)

Cashback merchant points: 2001
Number of customers: 254 939

Cashback merchant points: 1546
Number of customers: 101 787

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Let´s shoot for the moon ... :)

Hipstel Hostel

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
― N. Vincent Peale
29.10  2.11.2016 as a tourist who "accidentally" happened to choose this hostel because it felt so very right since the first glance, that I didn´t even check any other places
And from 3.11.2016  today I´ve been part of Hipstel´s team (+visiting Estonia 2 times:)

"As you see, I like to take FAST DECISIONS ...and I also like to start fast. Well, I´ve already started," said Rafal today. And this is how we got started, taking it from here, giving the best we´ve got :) 

Any person and/or SME (Small/Medium Enterprise) who gets the point, sees the vision and starts wit this programme professionally, has unlimited opportunities to grow really big really fast.

And I have EVERY REASON to BELIEVE that our HIPSTEL TEAM will also play a key role in this process here in Polish market and probably in some other countries as well! 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Let´s make a new LIFE resolution

Today in the Soup Culture :)
"Let´s forget about the New Year´s resolution.
Let´s make a new life resolution, to be fully and authentically you.

I don´t know what dream you have but I can guarantee you there´s somebody in the hospital right now praying, begging God to have the opportunity that you have right now.

Don´t blow it!
It is time.

It is time to go from mediocre to meteoric.
It is time to go from being counted out to being counted on.

It is time to fly.
Like the eagle you are or do you want to continue to cluck with the chickens?  

                                                          – Prince Ea 

Photo: Uplift Connection 

Yesterday in one "random" place to eat.

My time has come. 
Do it from all your heart, from all your soul. 
Go-go-go girl, do, what you need to be doing!