Üks kilomeeter korraga.
Peale tervet nädalat jahedat ilma ja vihmasadu, mille osaliseks me saime, on nüüd väljas imeilus suvi. Ka täna oli otseses mõttes SUNday ehk Sunday ;)
One day at a time.
One kilometer at a time.
After the whole week of cold weather and the rain, it is finally nice and sunny outside. Therefore, also today, on Sunday, it was literally the SUNday ;)

Sinna on 5 km, teine sama palju tagasi ning seal kohapeal tegin ka ühe ringi, mis oli umbes 3-4 km, nii et kokku 13-14 km.
Kui ühel päeval pikka Camino de Santiago´t kõndima minna, mida kindlasti teha soovin, siis seal on tee jaotatud lõikudeks, mille pikkus on keskmiselt 19-26km. Lisaboonuseks, et käimine liiga lihtsalt ei läheks, on au seljas tassida kotti koos kõige vajalikuga :)
Täna, peale kümnete palverändurite kohtamist ja kõiki neid teretamisi ning soojasid naeratusi, tundsin, kuidas süda sees hõiskab - küll see maailm on ikka üks ilus paik!
Seda solidaarsust, sõbralikkust ning otseses mõttes inimlikkust, mis Caminol valitseb, ei ole võimalik sõnadesse panna, see on miski, mida peab ise kogema!
PS! Kas poleks tore, kui ka kogu ELU tee oleks samamoodi ja selgelt märgistatud, näidates, milline on õige suund?
I´ve been doing an hour morning walk for the past few days but today was the first day when I had a bit longer walk. I did the last part of Camino the Santiago and walked to Monte de Cozo.
It is about 5 km to get there, another 6 to come back and in there I did few kilometers extra which in total makes about 13-14km.
It is about 5 km to get there, another 6 to come back and in there I did few kilometers extra which in total makes about 13-14km.
When to plan to walk the long Camino de Santiago, and that I am definitely planning, the way has been divided into parts which are average 19-26km. As an additional bonus that it wouldn´t be too easy to walk, everyone has a privilege to carry a rucksack with all the necessary things :)
Today, after meeting tens of pilgrims and all those greetings and warm smiles, I felt how my heart was singing - the world really is a wonderful place!
The solidarity, friendliness and humanity on the Camino is impossible to describe, it is something which needs to be felt.
PS! Wouldn´t it be nice if all the Way of Life would be also marked in the way that signs show so clearly the right way?
The solidarity, friendliness and humanity on the Camino is impossible to describe, it is something which needs to be felt.
PS! Wouldn´t it be nice if all the Way of Life would be also marked in the way that signs show so clearly the right way?
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